Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Open Letter to Gloria Allred:

How about coming up with a REAL solution to the Casting Couch? Instead of waiting for another sickening example to emerge ,so you can get your face on television, then allowing the subject to go dark for a  few more years, take action that will  really make a difference!

The discussion shouldn't just be about Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen, or Bill Cosby. It should be about the S.O.P. in Hollywood-which protects  MCP producers and others who have been  exploiting  young  women for a hundred years......and the stars who are too greedy, selfish, and apathetic to blow the whistle. The Casting Couch is a way of life, not just a piece of furniture.

This suggestion would include hard, unprofitable work in between your media  appearances.

Every major feature film ends with an advisory that no animals were hurt during its production. It's time to establish  the same protection for the performers who make you rich.

Gloria, here's what you should do: Demand that an independent committee be set up to monitor the on-set conduct of directors, producers,writers-anyone attached to the project-not just on the set, but during any business that involves making their product. It's a simple concept: treat the actors as well as you treat the animals. You are in a position of power and clout. Use it!

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